Namaste and warm greeting from well-planned trekking (P.) LTD family. A good question and queries that hinder many travelers visiting Nepal Himalaya, with so many local companies offering the similar holiday in and around Nepal. Well, it might look the same, but you will find much difference with Well Plan Trekking than other native companies of Nepal, as we are fully committed to providing the best of best money-worth of services, which you cannot refuse our affordable trip cost. Offering reasonable price in all our trips without cutting any services that we provide, all our earning is transparently dedicated to providing excellent quality services that you will be tempted to join in with the de range of exotic holidays.
01: Where you can feel safe and secure after planning and booking with us.
02: Easy and smooth booking with us through Face-book, E-Mail, and other media that conveyance to you and the company.
03: On booking with minimum charge rest of the balance where you can pay on arrival in Kathmandu-Nepal, in respective foreign currencies before the trip departure.
04: Providing quality services from your arrival to final departures.
05: Caring and helpful guides and staff to look after your needs and request.
06: Every trip of ours well planned to avoid any hassle and disappointment.
07: In case of any problem arise informing you on the spot and immediately so you will not be isolated regarding the trip concern.
08: Providing with excellent information in full details regarding your queries and the trip chose with us
09: Excellent logistic support with well-planned management to run the trips smoothly and enjoyable.
10: Expert guides and strong porters with dedicated friendly staff throughout the trip with us.
11: All guides-porters and staff well paid, with insurance and medical allowance which makes every trip a winner with happy and satisfied guides and staff.
12: Full knowledge of Eco and Responsible Tourism taking care of fragile nature and helping with support to keep the green pristine environment it was sine for hundreds of years.
13: All our guides equipped with full knowledge of safety measures, eco- trekking and as well gone through several medical and First-Aid Training.
14: Enjoyable time with us where guides offer you with full knowledge and information on the areas of traveling route and destinations with flora- fauna, the historical background of the village and towns with religions and culture of the region.